Ammon Desires Lamoni to Listen to His Words

John W. Welch

We have detected many virtues in Ammon, including unselfishness. He thought of these people as his brothers and wanted to serve behind the scene without praise or accolades. Ammon’s courage, his physical strength, and faithful humility left the king speechless. Also, the Holy Ghost touches hearts and accompanies missionary work. Ammon was filled with the Spirit of God as he stood before Lamoni, and the king sensed this. Lamoni then made the following offer: “Whatsoever thou desirest of me I will grant it unto thee.” What did Ammon ask for—riches, power, status? No. Ammon simply requested that the king listen to what he had to say. Ammon wanted to teach Lamoni about Christ and God’s plan of redemption and mercy. Ammon was selfless; he was not in this for self-aggrandizement.

John W. Welch Notes
