“The Lamanites Were a Wild Hard Hearted and Ferocious People”

Monte S. Nyman

These verses make two basic points. The first is that the missionaries separated and each one went alone to a different geographical area. The second point is a description of the Lamanites. The second is self-explanatory and needs no further comment except to say that, in the eyes of the Lord, every soul is worth saving (see Alma 31:35). The first point, each missionary working alone, is not the way of the New Testament or modern revelations. The New Testament twelve apostles were sent “forth by two and two” (Mark 6:7). “The Lord appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and two before his face” (Luke 10:1). The New Testament instructions are consistent with the modern-day revelations where the Lord names various pairs of missionaries to go together (see D&C 52:21–35; 75:13–22). Why these Nephite missionaries went alone is not given (Alma 17:13, 17), but it seems to have been with the approval of the Spirit (vv. 10–11). The reason was probably due to the culture of the Lamanites, but we will have to wait for the unabridged records to know for sure (see 3 Nephi 26:6–12).

Ammon blessing his companions before they departed to their separate lands give us the fourth requirement for being an effective missionary. They had also been given promises through their father, King Mosiah (see Mosiah 28:7). Today, all missionaries are set apart and given individual, distinctive blessings. Most missionaries have also had patriarchal blessings giving individual guidance and promises. These personal guidelines will bring success to each missionary. As we study the following chapters, we will see the effectiveness of each of these four requirements in the lives of the sons of Mosiah and those who went with them.

Book of Mormon Commentary: The Record of Alma
