“Traditions… Which Were Not Correct”

Joseph F. McConkie, Robert L. Millet

Righteous traditions are the sanctuary of memory. They preserve purpose and meaning. They protect the sacred and virtuous. They hallow strength, courage, and honor. They bind generations in a common cause.

They have been a source of inspiration and direction to countless souls. By contrast, evil and false traditions have filled the world with confusion and have become “the very mainspring of all corruptions causing the earth to groan under the weight of their iniquity. They are ”an iron yoke, “ a ”strong band, “ the ”very handcuffs, and chains, and shackles, and fetters of hell“ (D&C 123:7-8).

They are a system whereby depravity, corruption, and darkness of all forms are and have been passed from generation to generation. False traditions blind the eyes and minds of otherwise good and well-intentioned people.

It may be that more people have rejected the restored gospel-or, having accepted it, have subsequently refused the counsel of living prophets-because of the effects of false traditions than for any other reason.”

Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 3
