“Alma Baptized Zeezrom Unto the Lord”

Ed J. Pinegar, Richard J. Allen

In the example of Zeezrom we see the agony of guilt and the ecstasy of deliverance. Through penitence and obedience, the Spirit can transform the guilt in an anguished soul into the joy of redemption. According to Zeezrom’s faith, Alma is able to heal him through the Spirit. He is baptized and begins to preach the gospel. Do we have a Zeezrom element within us that needs to be reformed and converted into an element of strength in building the kingdom of God? We can learn from Zeezrom by placing our trust in the Lord and seeking to divest ourselves of worldly entanglements that detract from heavenly commitments, or worse, that enchain us to a life of sin. “O Lord our God,” prayed the prophet, “have mercy on this man” (verse 10). In the same way we can ask our leaders and friends to pray for us, and we can pray for ourselves, that our lives may become kinder, gentler, and holier.

Commentaries and Insights on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 1
