“Knowing Good from Evil”

Bryan Richards

The scriptures always explain how it is that Adam and Eve became as gods with a variation of the phrase "knowing good and evil." This underscores the importance of the agency of man. Just having the knowledge of good and evil and being placed in a situation in which they could act for themselves, made them like the gods. Obviously, the exercise of free will is a quality of godhood. What a great responsibility it is to be placed in a situation in which we are free to act according to our wills and pleasures, whether to do evil or to do good!

There is another characteristic which immediately made Adam and Eve like the gods. That is the power of procreation. To whom else is this power given except to those who have been exalted? What greater power and responsibility could be given to Adam and Eve than to be responsible for the rearing and teaching of God's innocent spirit children? Yet, the scriptures do not speak of this doctrine because of its sensitive and truly sacred nature. But through Joseph Smith, the mysteries of the kingdom have been unfolded, and we learn that the continuation of the seeds forever and ever, is a quality of godhood (DC 132:19-20).

