Alma 12:31-32

Brant Gardner

The act of partaking of the Tree of Knowledge did exactly as promised. It gave them knowledge, “becoming as gods.” That phrase, “becoming as gods,” indicates that the principle of agency is not only applicable to God, but an inseparable part of what defines God. Alma quickly teaches the lesson that Lehi had taught, that it is essential to act according to our own wills. Lehi taught that without that agency, and particularly without the knowledge of good and evil, which he termed an “opposition in all things,” there would be no purpose in the creation of this earth (2 Nephi 2:11, 12).

Agency was not the only important gift of God. With the ability to choose came the instructions in how to choose well. Hence “God gave unto them commandments.” We have not only been given the ability to choose, but also given the guidelines for making the choices that will lead us to stand blameless before God at the last day.

Book of Mormon Minute
