Alma 12:9 Textual Variants

Royal Skousen
it is given unto many to know the mysteries of God nevertheless they are laid under a strict command that they shall not impart only according to the portion of his word which he doth grant unto the children of men according to the heed and diligence which they give unto him

In this passage the word only means ‘except’. The scope of negation for the preceding not in “they shall not impart” ends with that clause, but speakers of modern English tend to misinterpret the only as coming within the scope of negation for the not. In other words, the passage here is misinterpreted as meaning that those who know the mysteries of God should impart not only according to God’s word but in some other (unspecified) way as well. One way to help the reader correctly interpret the use of only in such passages would be to place a comma (or perhaps a dash) before the word only, thus showing that the scope of negation has ended.

There are other places in the Book of Mormon text where only has the meaning ‘except’ and thus the scope of negation ends before the only. For nearly all these cases, the 1830 typesetter placed a comma before only, thus helping to convey the correct interpretation:

In two other places in the text, as in Alma 12:9, the 1830 typesetter neglected to provide a comma before only; nor have any of the subsequent editions added an interpretative comma:

Adding a comma (or a dash) before only in these two passages would be particularly helpful in interpreting only as meaning ‘except’ and thus blocking the scope of negation. For additional discussion of the use of punctuation in the LDS scriptures to help readers properly interpret only when it has the meaning ‘except’, see the discussion on pages 7–8 of Royal Skousen, “Through a Glass Darkly: Trying to Understand the Scriptures”, Brigham Young University Studies 26/4 (1986): 3–20.

Summary: Place a comma (or a dash) before conjunctive uses of only whenever such punctuation would help to bring out the meaning ‘except’ and thus block the scope of negation (including instances in Alma 12:9, Alma 22:34, and Alma 32:24).

Analysis of Textual Variants of the Book of Mormon, Part. 3
