Alma 12:3-6

Brant Gardner

Alma addresses Zeezrom first, but in verse 6 makes it clear that Alma intends this as a condemnation of all of those present. Just as Amulek has easily discerned the reason for the bribe, he understood the attempts to trap him with the types of questions asked. Alma declares that Amulek knew those things because God knows all and can communicate through His Spirit to His servants. Of course, that very fact declares Alma and Amulek as Jehovah’s divinely appointed servants.

Alma declares that Zeezrom and the people are under the spell of the adversary to God. The force opposing God led them to attempt to entrap God’s true representatives. They have been listening to the wrong source, and the source to which they have been listening will lead to their destruction.

Book of Mormon Minute
