Alma 10:19-21

Brant Gardner

Amulek invokes King Mosiah. One of the cautions that was given at the time of the change to judges was that it was possible that a people might choose evil over good. Mosiah declared that when that happened, the people having made that choice were ripe for destruction. Amulek declares that the people of Ammonihah are in that exact position. They have chosen to leave the protective covenant. Alma had promised that destruction would come unless they repent, and Amulek underlines that prophecy. Although repentance is possible, the lawyers’ questions show no true sign of repentance.

When Jehovah declares that “I will come down among my people, with equity and justice in my hands,” it means a just destruction for this people. There could be other results for the repentant, but those who reject the covenant of the Nephite religion face the promised, but just, destruction.

Book of Mormon Minute
