Alma 10:16-18

Brant Gardner

It is possible that Amulek understood the lawyers’ motivations through the Spirit, but it is also probable that he knew them well enough to easily discern that they did not have earnest and heartfelt questions. It is important to remember that this is Amulek who will powerfully combat the lawyers’ questions. Alma will yet speak, but Amulek’s purpose was not solely to be the sidekick who testified to Alma’s greatness. Amulek himself spoke in power. The Lord called him to perform, not to sit on the sidelines.

Amulek points out exactly what the lawyers are doing. They are hypocrites in that their questions might appear to be seeking truth, but they were actually seeking to entrap Amulek. Amulek declares that it is this type of behavior that will bring destruction upon the people.

Book of Mormon Minute
