“More Than One Witness Who Testified”

Monte S. Nyman

The reaction to Amulek’s message was two-fold. Those who were astonished (v. 12) were apparently honorable to some degree. They seemed to know enough about the workings of God to be concerned about what Alma and Amulek had told them. On the other hand, those who sought to catch them in their words and witness against them (v. 13) were of a wicked or a telestial nature. It seems that they knew the truth, but were more concerned with silencing these two men of God through the skillful means of their profession than in analyzing the message and weighing the evidence (vv. 13–15). Amuleks words that follow confirm this promise. When we liken these conditions to our day, as Nephi admonished (see 1 Nephi 19:23), we will find that we are living in similar situations.

Book of Mormon Commentary: The Record of Alma
