
Ed J. Pinegar, Richard J. Allen

The people are angry with Alma for telling them the truth. How do we respond when the prophets tell us the truth—is it uncomfortable? Alma chastens the people to bring forth works meet for repentance. Their hearts have been hardened against the word of God. They have become a lost and fallen people. Their response is anger, and they seek to cast him into prison. We should always know that our prophets seek our welfare. Everything they do is for our sake—and the greatest thing we can do for our personal welfare is to listen to them and repent. Chastening helps us repent and return to righteousness. Unfortunately, we often are hurt by such words, frequently become angry, and sometimes rebel. What we fail to recognize is that chastening is a form of God’s love toward us (see D&C 95:1–2).

Commentaries and Insights on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 1
