Alma 9:15-17

Brant Gardner

The Lamanites are the traditional enemies, and also the traditional example of the worst cases. When the people of Ammonihah are told that it “shall be more tolerable for them in the day of judgment than for you,” it is meant to be shocking. It is the same tactic Jacob used in Jacob 3:5. The intent was to say something that would be considered so far from the expected that the listeners would have to pay attention.

Alma explains how this is possible for Lamanites, who have been cut off from the presence of the Lord, that they are yet the recipient of promises in the future. There is an ultimate redemption for them. Alma explains that “at some period of time they will be brought to believe in his word.” Thus, there is hope for the currently unrepentant Lamanites.

Alma will explain how that differs from the currently unrepentant people of Ammonihah.

Book of Mormon Minute
