Responsible for Knowledge

Church Educational System

Brigham Young said:

“Those who do not profess to know anything of the Lord are far better off than we are, unless we live our religion, for we who know our Master’s will and do it not, will be beaten with many stripes; while they who do not know the Master’s will and do it not will be beaten with few stripes. This is perfectly reasonable. We cannot chastise a child for doing that which is contrary to our wills, if he knows no better; but when our children are taught better and know what is required of them, if they then rebel, of course, they expect to be chastised, and it is perfectly right that they should be”

(in Journal of Discourses, 16:111).

In Alma 9:20–22, Alma outlined the many ways the people of Nephi had been favored by the Lord:

  1. They had received knowledge about the past, present, and future (see v. 20).
  2. They had been visited by the Spirit of God (see v. 21).
  3. They had conversed with angels, heard the voice of the Lord, and received the spirit of prophecy (see v. 21).
  4. They had received many gifts of the Spirit (see v. 21).
  5. They had been spared time after time by the Lord (see v. 22).
  6. They had been blessed with material possessions (see v. 22).

Book of Mormon Student Manual (1996 Edition)
