Alma 9:7-11

Brant Gardner

The reaction of the people is to attempt to capture Alma. The result is reminiscent of what Alma’s father (Alma the elder) witnessed in the court of King Noah when they attempted to take hold of Abinadi. Abinadi had not delivered his message, therefore, they could not hold him. Alma the younger had not delivered his message, therefore, they could not hold him either.

Alma had begun his sermon in Zarahemla by referencing the captivity of the fathers in Lehi-Nephi (see Alma 5:4–6). In Ammonihah, he uses the same introduction, but shifts the captivity earlier to Lehi in Jerusalem. After that deliverance, we have verse 10 which moves to bondage in the new world. It has not been once that Jehovah has delivered them, but “many times he delivered our fathers out of the hands of their enemies.”

The point of this beginning is to speak to the people’s disbelief that they could be destroyed in a day. Alma points out many times that the Nephites have been close to destruction, but were delivered through Jehovah’s power. The point is that they are now facing a similar situation. They are bound for destruction, but, through repentance, it could be avoided.

Book of Mormon Minute
