Alma 7:26-27

Brant Gardner

Alma ends this sermon differently from the one in Zarahemla. There the final statements were invitations to repent. Here, Alma rejoices in current efforts of the people. Therefore, rather than the invitation to repent, Alma blesses them, their houses, lands, flocks and herds.

It is interesting to note that Alma blesses specific possessions, and then “all that you possess,” and only then “your women and your children.” It is possible that this is a reflection of the ancient understanding in a patriarchal society that one’s wife and children were legally considered blessings. Even if that were the case in the ancient Nephite culture, it should not be taken as an indication of how modern readers should consider our families. We should consider them much more than possessions, and place them at the front of the list rather than at the end.

With the Amen, Mormon ends this chapter. The boundaries of this chapter are the same as in the 1830 edition of the Book of Mormon.

Book of Mormon Minute
