Alma 7:22-25

Brant Gardner

Alma lists the qualities that disciples of Christ might receive as they learn to walk in the paths of righteousness:

1. Humble, submissive, and gentle: These are qualities that evidence a desire to treat others with respect. They are the embodiment of the principles that would be violated when one begins to think of him or herself as above or better than another.

2. Easy to be entreated: Not easy to be tempted, but easy to be led to the fruit of the tree of life.

3. Patience and longsuffering: These are aspects of enduring to the end. The path is not without its bumps and bruises. Agency makes real life messy, but the path still leads to the fruit.

4. Temperate in all things: Another aspect of social equality, of not esteeming oneself above another.

5. Diligent in keeping the commandments of God at all times: Another repetition of the concept of enduring to the end.

6. Asking for whatsoever things ye stand in need: Pray! We should trust in God’s love for us and His desire for us to succeed. We may confidently ask for help.

7. Returning thanks. An important aspect of humility is recognizing the goodness of God and remembering to be grateful for all we have. Those who forget this principle and begin to think that they themselves have somehow earned what they have, have already begun to drift from the necessary humility before God.

8. Faith, hope and charity. These are important principles and will be repeated in the text. They will be examined separately in another comment.

Book of Mormon Minute
