“His Course is One Eternal Round”

K. Douglas Bassett

Morm. 9-10; D&C 20:11-12; James 1:17; 1 Ne. 10:18; Moro. 10:19; The Promised Messiah, McConkie, pp. 197-198

“The divine delight in what seems to us to be mere repetition is one clue to the sublime character of God. Since we must, at times, accept what appears to us to be routine, repeated experiences, we too, if we try, can find fresh meaning and fresh joy in the repeated experiences. God’s course is one eternal round but it is not one monotonous round. God is never bored, for one who has perfect love is never bored. There is always so much to notice, so much to do, so many ways to help, so many possibilities to pursue.” (Neal A. Maxwell, A More Excellent Way, pp. 84-85)

Latter-Day Commentary on the Book of Mormon
