A Righteous People

John W. Welch

In Verse 4, Alma remarked, "I trust according to the spirit that I shall have joy over you." He is full of trust, faith, and confidence in Gideon. There were four core things in verse 6 that he firmly and positively believed about these people:

This sincere statement of trust likely engendered a relationship of confidence between Alma and this audience, so that these people realized that he knew and cared about them. When we hear speakers address us in this generous fashion, even if we know that we are not all one hundred percent worthy of those compliments, we want to believe these good things about ourselves. As Alma expressed his confidence in them before he began his discourse, when we talk to our children or grandchildren or people we minister to, we would do well to express that same confidence. We could say such things as "I trust that you are doing these things,” or “I trust that you have read your scriptures this week and have come to this class prepared."

John W. Welch Notes
