How can the world’s uncleanness lead Church members away from their covenants?

Thomas R. Valletta

“Drifting away from the course of life marked out by the Lord has occurred as individuals begin to make compromises with the Lord’s standard. This is particularly true when the transgression is willful and no repentance occurs. … It [begins] as individual members of the Church knowingly [begin] to make compromises with the Lord’s standard. They [seek] justification for their diversions in the knowledge that others [are] compromising as well. Those who willfully sin soon seek to establish a standard of their own with which they can feel more comfortable and which justifies their misconduct. They also seek the association of those who are willing to drift with them along this path of self-delusion” (Larsen, “Likening the Scriptures unto Us,” 8).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
