“A Shepherd Hath Called After You”

Brant Gardner

Rhetorical: In this verse, it is very clear that the shepherd referred to is the Savior. Is this the same shepherd as the previous verse, or a different one?

Ultimately, it does not matter, but the addition of "the good shepherd" in this verse suggests that Alma does subtly shift from their shepherd who is physically present to the spiritual "good shepherd." Regardless of the nature of the previous shepherd, this one is very clearly the Savior, and Alma picks up on the theme of the shepherd "calling" to remind them that it is this name by which they are "called." Nevertheless, regardless of the name that they might claim, they "are not the sheep of the good shepherd." They may claim the name through membership in the church, but their actions belie that name.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
