What does it mean to have our garments “washed white”?

Thomas R. Valletta

“No principle was better understood among the ancient Saints than that no unclean thing could enter the presence of the Lord. Thus the imagery common to the scriptures is to depict the Saints of God, those living righteous lives, as wearing ‘robes of righteousness’ (2 Nephi 9:14; Revelation 19:8), or ‘garments of salvation’ (Isaiah 61:10). This imagery is closely associated with the temple, which is the earthly representation of the divine presence, or our sought-after heavenly abode. In the temple we are taught, primarily with symbolic representation, how we return to the presence of God (see D&C 109:80)” (McConkie and Millet, Doctrinal Commentary, 3:31; see also commentary in this volume on Alma 7:25).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
