Being Personally Converted

John W. Welch

The next five questions dealt with being personally converted. We each have to be personally converted; this is where the importance of every single person embracing the gospel comes into play. These are the questions that I am sure hit many of you as they did me. First in this set Alma asked, "Have you been spiritually born of God?" Second, "Have you received his image in your countenance?" and third, "Have you experienced this mighty change in your heart?" (5:14). Benjamin also mentioned a mighty change in the heart, in Mosiah 5:2 when the people fell down and said, "We have experienced this mighty change of heart." All these questions were asked so that Alma can then testify of the things that he wants them to know and to believe. He wants to get us thinking, and believing, and changing!

Further Reading

Ed J. Pinegar and John W. Welch, Experiencing a Mighty Change of Heart: Alma’s Guide to a Deep, Lasting Conversion (American Fork, UT: Covenant Communications, 2020), 19: "Of the life-altering questions posed by Alma, those touching on three specific topics seem particularly connected: repentance, conversion, and a mighty change of heart. As we ponder, … we are led to ask questions of our own: Which comes first in this mighty trifecta?"

John W. Welch Notes
