Teaching with the Spirit

John W. Welch

One of the most important things we try to do in the Church, no matter where we are called to serve, is to teach with the Spirit. Do you think that Alma spoke with the Spirit on this occasion? What was it about his sermon that conveyed that Spirit effectively? Did you learn anything about how to speak with the Spirit from the way in which Alma delivered his message? For one thing, he told his audience that he was speaking under the influence of the Spirit. In Alma 5:50–61, Alma said "the spirit sayeth unto me." That may have been something he was feeling right then, as inspiration. He was certainly open to that. Or perhaps the Spirit told him those things while he was preparing this speech. When King Benjamin reported what the angel had said to him, he stated that sometime prior to his speech an angel had awoken him from his sleep, and then he delivered that message as he had received it (Mosiah 3:2).

John W. Welch Notes
