Renewing Their Covenants

John W. Welch

Once every seven years, besides reading the law, Israelites would renew their covenants. After they heard the Law of Moses, they would then "choose ye this day" as they did when Joshua had all of Israel together for their covenant renewal at the end of Joshua’s life (Joshua 24:15). Indeed, we will see those same words, "choose ye this day," seven years later, in the eighteenth year of the reign of judges, which is the fiftieth year from Benjamin’s covenant, in Alma 30:8, where those very covenant words were quoted.

Other indications of covenant renewal are found in places where Alma drew on Benjamin’s speech in this covenant connection. As the names were recorded in the book of Numbers, Benjamin recorded the names of his covenant people in Mosiah 6:1. The names of Alma’s covenant people were likewise recorded in the official’s book of life (Alma 5:58). What did Benjamin say would happen if they were wicked? Their names would be blotted out (Mosiah 5:11). The same idea appears in Alma 5:57. Alma then assures his people that "if a ravenous wolf comes in," the Good Shepherd will protect the flock (Alma 5:59–60). Benjamin had also talked about his people being in the flock and knowing the voice of the master to whom they belong, and if you do not enter into the covenant and keep the covenant, you will be driven out (Mosiah 5:14). This is Benjamin’s and Alma’s way of reminding people of the importance of being faithful and of remembering the name (Alma 5:38).

John W. Welch Notes
