Alma 4:5-6

Brant Gardner

As with the sixth year, the seventh year sees righteous Nephites. The verse ends with the phrase “continual peace,” which more often than not lets the reader know that this condition is about to change.

In the eighth year, Nephite righteousness has led to prosperity. Verse 6 provides an interesting contrast to a very similar verse, Alma 1:29, which also described Nephite prosperity. It, too, spoke of fine silks and fine-twined linen, flocks and herds, and gold and silver. The contrast was the effect of that wealth. In Alma, Chapter 1, the people continue in their religious principles of egalitarianism. Alma 1:30–31 describe how the people just four years earlier cared for each other and made sure that they had “no respect to persons as to those who stood in need” (Alma 12:30).

Now, in the eighth year, they also have prosperous conditions, but this time “they were lifted up in the pride of their eyes, for they began to wear very costly apparel.” Once again, the wearing of costly apparel is the signal that social ranking is returning. Seeing oneself as better than another is the Nephite definition of being lifted up in pride, and it is signaled by the very visual trappings of costly apparel.

Book of Mormon Minute
