What do we learn about Nephite/Lamanite norms for battle from this incident?

Thomas R. Valletta

“Unquestionably, the individual battles between Alma and Amlici and the king of the Lamanites are most significant. … [The] Lamanite force does not employ its numerical superiority. Rather than a general melee, Alma engages in two personal combats, one with Amlici and one with the Lamanite king.

“Thus, each leader represents his army in a battle of kings, not a battle between the armies themselves. Alma crossed the river with a small number of men under his immediate command and began combat with Amlici. It could not have happened by chance that, in an army as numerous as grains of sand, Alma coincidentally fell on one of two opponents of his own social ranking” (Gardner, Second Witness, 4:65–66).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
