Alma 1:19-22

Brant Gardner

In verse 16, Mormon reminded his readers that Nehor’s execution did not stop others from preaching as Nehor had. In these verses we see the beginnings of the social divisions that resulted from those teachings. Although modern readers easily see this as religious persecution, we must remember that religion and political beliefs were not clearly separated in the ancient world. Even in Zarahemla, where the creation of churches allowed for more distinction than perhaps in other cities, the connections to the right of rule would have remained. Thus, these persecutions were more than for beliefs, they were divisions in the fabric of society and the definitions of what the right way to do things should be.

While Mormon indicates that the persecution began with those not in the church persecuting those who were, those persecutions had the effect of creating further tensions. Thus, those in the church responded in kind.

What is important for Nephite society is that, because of surrounding persecutions and retaliations for beliefs, there was an increasing tendency for both those in and outside the church to become proud. In Book of Mormon terms, pride is manifest by social divisions.

Book of Mormon Minute
