Mosiah 28:17-19

Brant Gardner

Mormon concludes his aside with a quick note about what Mosiah found on the plates. It was the account of a destroyed people who also had ties to the Old World and to the ancient sacred stories on the brass plates. Mosiah was saddened for their destruction. Mormon will use the Jaredites as the prime exemplars of a destroyed nation, the literal examples of how and why the Nephite nation would be destroyed.

Mormon promises that the account of that people would be known. He appears to have left the fulfillment of that prophecy to Moroni. There is no indication in Mormon’s writing that he intended to do it himself. Moroni serves as editor of Ether’s record in a similar way as Mormon edited the plates of Nephi.

This verse ended the chapter in the 1830 version. Orson Pratt decided to move the first sentences of the next chapter to the end of our Chapter 28.

Book of Mormon Minute
