Mosiah 27:29-31

Brant Gardner

These verses close Alma the younger’s public discourse. After declaring that he had been born of God, and that all must, he returns to his personal experience. He was in need of personal forgiveness and redemption. It is important for our understanding of Nephite religion that Alma the younger specifically notes that he has “rejected my Redeemer, and denied that which had been spoken of by our fathers.” This is his declaration that he had not believed in the coming Messiah. He had rejected the teachings of Abinadi that Alma the elder had not only accepted, but which had transformed his life. One can only imagine the sorrow Alma the elder felt to see his son reject the very thing that had been so important in Alma the elder’s life.

That is now in the past, however, Alma the younger has also been transformed, and bears testimony of that Redeemer. Note that he speaks of every knee bowing, without changing the subject. Alma the younger is declaring that the Redeemer who was spoken of by the fathers is the very Jehovah who will judge the world.

Book of Mormon Minute
