Mosiah 27:24-28

Brant Gardner

Alma the younger testifies that he has not only repented but has been changed. When King Benjamin gave his people a new covenant, he noted that they had become children of God because “this day he hath spiritually begotten you” (Mosiah 5:7). Alma the younger has a personal, and more intense, experience with that transformation. He also says that he has been born of God. He declares that all must similarly become born of God, must be redeemed of God, and all must become His sons and daughters.

Alma the younger is reiterating the covenant Benjamin made. As Mormon began this part of the story he had indicated that “there were many of the rising generation that could not understand the words of King Benjamin, being little children at the time he spake unto his people” (Mosiah 26:1). Now, at the close, Alma the younger reiterates Benjamin’s covenant. Those who might have been too young were now Alma the younger’s peers, and Alma the younger declared the essentiality of that very covenant.

Book of Mormon Minute
