The Prayer of the Righteous

K. Douglas Bassett

Alma 10:22; Gen. 18:20-33; James 5:16

“You remember what Alma did when his son, Alma, didn’t walk in the ways of the Lord and went about trying to destroy the church. He just did not give the Lord any rest about it; he took it to the Lord in mighty prayer until an angel of heaven appeared to his son… .” (LeGrand Richards, Conference Report, Oct. 1947, p. 75)
[An account of Zion’s Camp] “The scourge came as had been foretold, and the Camp of Zion felt its terrible effects. Moanings and lamentations filled the air… . Joseph and Hyrum administered assiduously to the sick, and soon they were in the grasp of the cholera. They were together when it seized them; and together they knelt down and prayed for deliverance. Three times they bowed in supplication, the third time with a vow that they would not rise until deliverance from the destroyer was vouchsafed. While they were thus upon their knees a vision of comfort came to Hyrum. He saw their mother afar off in Kirtland praying for her absent sons, and he felt that the Lord was answering her cry. Hyrum told Joseph of the comforting vision and together they arose, made whole every whit.” (George Q. Cannon, Life of Joseph Smith, p. 183 )
“The stake president asked if I would meet with a distraught mother and father who were grieving over a son’s decision to leave his mission … We knelt quietly in a private place … When we arose, the father said, ‘Brother Monson, do you really think our Heavenly Father can alter our son’s announced decision to return home before completing his mission? … I responded, ‘Where is your son serving?’ He replied, ‘In Dusseldorf, Germany.’ I placed my arm around the mother and father and said to them, ‘Your prayers have been heard and will be answered. With more than thirty-eight stake conferences being held this day attended by General Authorities, I was assigned to your stake. Of all the Brethren, I am the only one who has the assignment to meet with the missionaries in the Germany Dusseldorf Mission this very Thursday.’ Their petition had been honored by the Lord. I was able to meet with their son. He responded to their pleadings. He remained and completed a highly successful mission.” (Thomas S. Monson)

Latter-Day Commentary on the Book of Mormon
