Mosiah 26:37-39

Brant Gardner

There is no chapter break at this point in the 1830 edition of the Book of Mormon. As with the change from our Chapter 25 to 26, there is a subject change from Chapter 26 to 27. Mormon ends this section of his story with the conclusion of how Alma acted as not only a high priest in the previous religious organization, but now acted as a new type of high priest: one who had authority from the king, but an authority which was independent from the Nephite religious authority.

The conclusion here is to show that those who were in the church attempted to live the covenants. As with many of this type of statement in the Book of Mormon, Mormon describes the good in order to set the stage from the decline into difficulty. The difficulties are the next story, which Orson Pratt separated into a new chapter.

Book of Mormon Minute
