Why did Limhi’s people desire to be with Alma and his followers?

Thomas R. Valletta

“It ought not be lost upon the reader that those who joined Alma at the waters of Mormon and entered into the covenant of repentance and baptism escaped the bondage and suffering imposed upon those of the city of Nephi that would cause them to flee into the wilderness. Our story bespeaks the verity that gospel covenants faithfully kept bring both spiritual and temporal freedom, while iniquity brings both spiritual and temporal bondage” (McConkie and Millet, Doctrinal Commentary, 2:274).

What modern-day Church history event parallels this event? (21:34) “The history of Latter-day Saints of indigenous African heritage has largely been one of ‘waiting on the Lord,’ trusting that if they remain faithful, they will ‘mount up with wings as eagles’ and will ‘run and not be weary and walk and not faint.’ Since the priesthood revelation of 1978, which was voted as the top story of the century in a Church News poll, those of black African ancestry in nations throughout the world have willingly taken their places as an integral part of the Church” (Lloyd, “Revelation Rewarded Those Who Waited”).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
