Mosiah 18:27-30

Brant Gardner

Not only is egalitarianism a principle applied to the priests, but the people themselves are not to esteem themselves above another. This is an old Nephite teaching that we saw in Jacob’s sermons. The admonitions here to impart of one’s substance echo similar sentiments in King Benjamin’s speech. These were not new principles, but reiterations of longstanding beliefs.

It is important to note that while we might focus on the sharing of material substance with the needy, that Alma considered spiritual needs to be equally important. Certainly, if one is physically hungry, we have a responsibility to assuage that hunger. Similarly, however, if one is spiritually hungry, we have an equal responsibility to feed that hunger. Perhaps for the spiritual needs, it is important that it is not only the needs, but we are to fulfill the wants. One may become sated physically, but spiritual hunger often leads to a greater hunger for greater understanding. That also we are to fulfil, as we are able.

Book of Mormon Minute
