“Baptized as a Witness Before Him That Ye Have Entered into a Covenant”

Bryan Richards

Baptism is the first of many covenants made with the Lord in the journey of discipleship. Everyone knows that a covenant is a two-way promise between the individual and the Lord. Alma tells us what the obligations are for each party in this contract. The person being baptized promises to serve the Lord and keep his commandments. The Lord promises to pour out his Spirit more abundantly. These are the terms of the agreement. The Lord is bound to bless us with his Spirit if we serve him and keep his commandments.

We speak of “renewing our covenants” during the sacrament. What covenants are we renewing? The covenants made at baptism. As the ordinance of the sacrament was instituted to remind us of this baptismal covenant, the elements of the covenant are included in the sacrament prayer, and the contract is renewed every time a member takes the sacrament.

Joseph Fielding Smith

“In the waters of baptism, we covenanted that we would keep these commandments; that we would serve the Lord; that we would keep this first and greatest of all commandments, and love the Lord our God; that we would keep the next great commandment, we would love our neighbor as ourselves; and with all the might that we have, with all the strength, with all our hearts, we would prove to him that we would ’live by every word that proceedeth forth from the mouth of God;’ that we would be obedient and humble, diligent in his service, willing to obey, to hearken to the counsels of those who preside over us and do all things with an eye single to the glory of God.” (Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 2, p. 238)

Harold B. Lee

“Man through the baptism of the water and of the Spirit is redeemed from this spiritual death and by the power of the Holy Ghost, brought back into direct communion with God, and these are ’born again.‘ To those who keep the commandments ’…he may pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon you.’ (Mosiah 18:10.)” (Conference Reports, Apr. 1961, p. 33)

