“Salvation Shall Be Declared to Every Nation, Kindred, Tongue and People”

Bryan Richards

There are many signs of the times. In Mormon Doctrine, Elder Bruce R. McConkie lists 51 different events which are to accompany the Second Coming. One might ask which of these signs is the most important. One of the best candidates is the preaching of the gospel unto all nations. This can be deduced from the quintessential scripture on the signs of the times—the Joseph Smith Translation of Matthew 24. That scripture was given to Christ’s disciples in response to the following question, what is the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? (JS-M 1:4) In the rest of the chapter, many signs are given and then the Lord says, this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world, for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come, or the destruction of the wicked (JS-M 1:31, italics added). As a just God, Christ can’t destroy the wicked until they have received a sufficient witness. However, the scriptures indicate that as soon as that witness is given, the end will come. This doctrine is subtly repeated by Abinadi. In verse28, he speaks of the preaching of the gospel to the entire world, and in verse 29, he speaks of the Lord bringing again Zion. The latter occurs with the coming of the Lord and the coming of the New Jerusalem (Ether 13:10). Thus we see that Abinadi‘s teachings coincide with the Savior’s rendition of events which are to occur just prior to the destruction of the wicked and the Second Coming of the Lord.

