Abinadi Presented Isaiah’s "Suffering Servant" Text Messianically

John W. Welch

The prophets knew a lot more than most people give them credit for. How could Isaiah have known with such specificity what was going to happen to Jesus Christ? One reason may be that the original language in the ancient texts was a little clearer than it is in our modern translations. Some of the literary nuances would have been easier for them to pick up on, such as the suffering servant being wounded. It says, "He would be marred" (Isaiah 52:14), but in the Isaiah scroll from Qumran, the word for marred is not there—one letter had been added to that word and it changed the word from marred into anointed. He shall be anointed beyond our recognition. In other words, he will be so much greater. And the word for anointed in Greek is Christos. Abinadi must have had this version because he says, "even until the resurrection of Christ—for so shall he be called" (Mosiah 15:21).

Further Reading

Book of Mormon Central, "Why Did Abinadi Talk About the Suffering Messiah? (Mosiah 14:4)," KnoWhy 91 (May 3, 2016).

John W. Welch, "Isaiah 53, Mosiah 14, and the Book of Mormon," in Isaiah in the Book of Mormon, ed. Donald W. Parry and John W. Welch (Provo, UT: FARMS, 1998), 293–12.

John W. Welch Notes
