“When We Shall See Him There is No Beauty That We Should Desire Him”

W. Cleon Skousen

As we have mentioned earlier, the rabbis rejected the idea that their Messiah would be killed the first time he came among the people and they had ripped out of the scriptures all references to the first coming of Christ. One precious chapter that they misinterpreted and therefore failed to tear out of the Bible was Isaiah chapter 53.

Abinadi now uses this very chapter to support his assertion that Jesus would be coming soon to provide the redemptive sacrifice that would bring salvation to the people. So he begins quoting directly from Isaiah around 700 B.C.At that time Isaiah had just told the people about the glorious second coming but can't get the Jews to believe that this same Christ who will have come earlier and been rejected and killed. Isaiah said:

Isaiah says the first coming of Christ will be very quiet and unpretentious. The Messiah doesn't even appear like an Augustus Caesar or some illustrious leader to whom the people will be attracted politically or militarily.

Treasures from the Book of Mormon
