“The Spirit of the Lord Was Upon Him and His Face Shone”

Bryan Richards

On occasion the Spirit will have such a powerful influence on the individual as to transform their being into a source of light. Like the stones that illuminated the Jaredite ship after being touched by Jehovah, the faces of the prophets become luminescent with the power of God. Mormon refers the reader to the instance when the face of Moses shone after conversing with the Lord. The brothers Nephi and Lehi had the same experience while conversing with angels, their faces…did shine exceedingly, even as the faces of angels (Hel 5:36).

The Prophet Joseph Smith was noted to have a transcendent luminescence to his countenance when he was particularly full of the Spirit. The following are the accounts of those who witnessed this magnificent transformation:

"Emmeline B. Wells: ’The power of God rested upon him to such a degree that on many occasions he seemed transfigured. His expression was mild and almost childlike in repose; and when addressing the people, who loved him it seemed to adoration, the glory of his countenance was beyond description. At other times the great power of his manner, more than of his voice (which was sublimely eloquent to me) seemed to shake the place on which we stood and penetrate the inmost soul of his hearers, and I am sure that then they would have laid down their lives to defend him.’
“Mary Ann Winters: ’I stood close by the Prophet while he was preaching to the Indians in the Grove by the Temple. The Holy Spirit lighted up his countenance till it glowed like a halo around him, and his words penetrated the hearts of all who heard him and the Indians looked as solemn as Eternity.’” (Truman Madsen, Joseph Smith the Prophet, pp. 89-90)

After the untimely martyrdom, while many saints struggled to know who was to be the next leader of the Church, a remarkable thing happened during an August conference in 1844. The visage of Brigham Young was luminescent, transformed to resemble the prophet Joseph. Those with spiritual eyes were witness to the events. Jane Snyder Richards wrote:

“After his tragic death I attended the meeting at which President Brigham Young addressed the Saints, and saw his face illuminated and appear as the face of Joseph while the voice of Joseph seemed to address the people through the mouth of Brigham. I can never forget the divine thrill that passed through the audience on that occasion and the impression that the appearance and voice of Joseph produced upon his hearers.’” (Milton V. Backman Jr., Keith W. Perkins, Writings of Early Latter-Day Saints and Their Contemporaries, A Database Collection, p. 550)

