Mosiah 13:5-11

Brant Gardner

Whether as part of the way Abinadi resisted, or as a subsequent witness, he was shown as visibly transformed. Heavenly beings are often described as being surrounded by light, or by being extremely white. The whiteness appears to be a representation of that same extreme and unworldly light. Some of that accompanied Abinadi, and that signaled to those around him that he was under Jehovah’s protection, as demonstrated by the unnatural light.

As he continues, he states that he must finish his message. He says that they have no power to slay him until he finishes, and they have apparently witnessed that fact. Sadly, they will later have that power, and use it.

Knowing what his fate would be, he curses them with his own fate. “What you do with me, after this, shall be as a type and a shadow of things which are to come.” They will seal their fate to the same treatment that Abinadi will receive.

To fully condemn those who have claimed to live the law of Moses, Abinadi will declare that he will “read unto you the remainder of the commandments of God,” which will include the restatement of the first commandment which began this interruption. This suggests that this is what Abinadi was beginning to do, and then was interrupted by the king’s reaction. Now he returns to what he had intended.

It is interesting that right after we are told that Abinadi’s face shone as did Moses’ at Sinai that Abinadi would recount the Decalogue.

Book of Mormon Minute
