“Know Ye Not That I Speak the Truth?”

Brant Gardner

Abinadi's message from the beginning has been one of the coming calamities. Here is specifically attaches the sin to the priests, and declares that they will come under the condemnation of God. What Abinadi may not understand is that these priests will escape some of the worst of the bondage and difficulties that will come upon the people of Noah. Their ultimate punishment will be at the hands of God, not wrecked upon them by the Lamanites as it will be for the rest of the people of Noah.

Rhetorical: Once again Abinadi attacks the priests directly. Just as they thought to lay a verbal trap for Abinadi, Abinadi lays one for them. He asks if salvation comes through the law of Moses. Abinadi knows what they will say, and this question goes to the crux of the apostasy of the Noahite priests and peoples. Abinadi knows that salavation comes only through the Messiah, and know that they have known this in the past. It was taught to them at one time. However, the priests have altered the teachings, and as Sherem did, removed the Messiah from the picture, holding only to the law of Moses. Abinadi will highlight and condemn this position.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
