“Thy Life Shall Be As a Garment in a Furnace of Fire”

Brant Gardner

Textual: Where verse 3 compared Noah to a garment in a hot furnace, here the imagery is different. The garment in the furnace is here, indicating that this was one of the most memorable of his statements, but added to it is the dry stalk and blossoms of a thistle. As noted in the comment on verse 2 above, Mormon cannot be citing a firsthand account of this speech by Abinadi, bur rather the official reports of what the recorders were told by the people who brought Abinadi before the court.. Whether nor not the original text split up the details the way we see them, or whether Mormon simply emphasized the garment in the furnace because his historical vantage point knew that it so clearly presaged Noah's fate we cannot tell. Either explanation works, though I have a preference for Mormon's deliberate emphasis of the garment in the fire based upon the way Mormon set up Noah's story. Mormon's knowledge that prophecy was directly fulfilled in the mode of Noah's death would be irresistible as he wrote the story.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
