In what way can false traditions keep us from the truth?

Thomas R. Valletta

The Lord cautioned, “And that wicked one cometh and taketh away light and truth, through disobedience … and because of the tradition of their fathers” (D&C 93:39). President Howard W. Hunter counseled: “Measure whatever anyone else asks you to do, whether it be from your family, loved ones, your cultural heritage, or traditions you have inherited—measure everything against the teachings of the Savior. Where you find a variance from those teachings, set that matter aside and do not pursue it. It will not bring you happiness” (as quoted in Scott, “Removing Barriers to Happiness,” 85).

Do you ever place a higher priority on the opinions of friends or family or traditions than on the teachings of Christ? What consequences can come from such action?

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
