“Great Evil Should Come Upon Them”

Brant Gardner

History: By speaking of the unrepentant transgressors as “they,” Limhi differentiates them from his current audience, even though “this people” must include them. We will see below his reasons for making this subtle distinction. He also clearly refers to a specific transgressive incident, which led to shedding each other’s blood. The people’s history provides two possibilities. The first is in quarreling among the original party of which Zeniff was a member. The group that dissolved into internal feuding that led to armed strife. However, this event happened before the colony was established. The second death is Abinadi’s. That is the next story and the execution of a prophet could rightly been seen as the cause of the “great evil [that] should come upon them.”

Second Witness: Analytical & Contextual Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 3
