What does it mean to “prosper in the land”?

Thomas R. Valletta

“Certainly prosperity had to do with the physical and spiritual circumstances of the obedient, but beyond that it is used in the framework of deliverance [see Alma 36:1–2]. Notice how closely related the ideas of prosperity and deliverance are. The parallel usage of these two words is not uncommon in the Nephite text (see Omni 1:6–7; Mosiah 2:31; 7:29, 33; Alma 9:9, 13; 36:29–30). … However, prosperity is not without adversity and the text has several examples of individuals who obeyed the commandments and yet sealed their testimonies with their blood (see Mosiah 17:20; Alma 14:18)” (Bassett, “Nephi’s Freedom Thesis and the Sons of Helaman,” 291–92).

Who Are the Peoples of Mosiah, Zarahemla, and Coriantumr?


(Adapted from Garner, Search These Things Diligently, 127–28)

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
