“I Confess Unto God”

Joseph F. McConkie, Robert L. Millet
Confession at any time is to be commended, even just prior to death. But true repentance consists not only in forsaking forbidden behavior and attitudes but also in keeping the commandments thereafter (see D&C 1:32). It is well that Sherem acknowledged his lies and professed a belief in the scriptures and the coming of Christ before his demise; his situation would, however, have been far more positive had he not been compelled to believe.

“But I Confess Unto God”

Though the ultimate fate of Sherem is not known to us whether, for instance, he will come forth in the resurrection to the terrestrial or the telestial kingdom-this we do know: deathbed repentance does not have within it the seeds of everlasting life. His sin is not unpardonable-he will not be numbered among the sons of perdition-for he still possessed a soul capable of repentance, which disposition is wholly alien to a son of perdition (see Teachings, p. 358).

Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 2
