It is inconceivable how an individual could hope to dislodge a prophet of God from his station of certainty in the faith. But Sherem brazenly makes the attempt. How might we apply this encounter to our own situation? Are we unshakable in our faith? Is the foundation upon which we stand as sure as the foundation upon which the prophets of the Lord stand? Through faith, devotion, continually studying and pondering the word of God, constant prayer, and the cultivation of a service-minded love for our fellowmen, we can also become unshakable so that no anti-Christ or evil influence can dislodge us from our spiritual moorings. The Lord said to Oliver Cowdery: “Wherefore, if you shall build up my church, upon the foundation of my gospel and my rock, the gates of hell shall not prevail against you” (D&C 18:5). Yet Oliver failed to secure himself upon the rock of the Savior and fell away from his high office. We can learn a lesson from that and do better. We can follow the counsel of the Lord’s prophets.