“How Blessed Are They Who Have Labored Diligently in His Vineyard”

D. Kelly Ogden, Andrew C. Skinner

Chapter 6 centers on the theme of the gathering of Israel in the last days in preparation for the end of the world and the great day of burning. Jacob prophesied that the concepts in Zenos’s allegory will actually become history. The Lord will recover and restore Israel, and then the end of the world will come. A blessing is pronounced on the laborers in the vineyard, among them the missionaries who labor diligently and with the Lord’s power during this last time of nourishing and pruning. “Nourish” appears twenty-two times throughout Jacob’s allegory, making the concept one of the main messages of Zenos’s elaborate analogy. How are you helping in the nourishing process?

Verse by Verse: The Book of Mormon: Vol. 1
