Jacob 5:48 Textual Variants

Royal Skousen
hath not the branches thereof [overcame 1A|overcome BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST] the roots which are good and because that the branches have [overcame >js overcome 1|overcame A|overcome BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST] the roots thereof …

In the original Book of Mormon text, the verb come frequently takes the simple past-tense form came as its past participle (see the discussion under 1 Nephi 5:1, 4). This same tendency is found with the compound verb overcome. Here in Jacob 5:48 we have two examples, both of which were edited to the standard overcome in the 1837 edition. A third example of this nonstandard usage is found in the book of Alma:

The critical text will maintain the occurrences of the nonstandard past participle overcame here in Jacob 5:48 as well as in Alma 19:6. Also see the general discussion under past participle in volume 3.

Summary: Restore the nonstandard overcame as the past participle in Jacob 5:48 (two times) and in Alma 19:6.

Analysis of Textual Variants of the Book of Mormon, Part. 2
